
All Students can find assignments and makeup work on their Schoology page.

  • The Zone Waiver can be found here. 

  • Click here to find out how CHMS is supporting Military Connected Families

Student Dress Code

District Student Code of Conduct Handbook

Students shall not wear: Clothing that exposes the midriff, navel, or cleavage.

Clothing, pins, jewelry, accessories, or other items of adornment displaying obscene, profane, derogatory, violent or gang-related messages, themes, designs or pictures.

Tank tops, halter tops, garments with spaghetti straps, tube tops, fishnet tops, strapless dresses or other clothing that is not appropriate because of slits, rips or holes in the garment.

Jeans or Pants with holes above the knee.

Skirts or shorts that are not fingertip length.